Saturday, January 1, 2011

Sprucing up the Blog a bit...

I'm new at this blog thing, but I fancy myself a quick learner.  I've tried to add some links and a few pictures.  I'll be adding more as time goes on, and as I climb the learning curve.

A bit about some of the links I've added...

8 Gauge Studios-
Justin Harrison, is a friend of mine that I met while hunting sea ducks in Alaska.  We've kept in touch since that hunt, and have vowed to get back together one day.  A promise I intend on keeping.  Justin is an avid waterfowler, and fellow collector.  His passion for waterfowl extends beyond the blind to a bunch of different waterfowl related ventures. Turning calls, training retrievers, and carving decoys.  One of his blocks, a  Bluebill drake, will grace my spread for the remainder of this season.  The decoy is part of a traveling spread that Justin has put together as part of a literary project he is working on.  Several different decoys, are making their way around the country with different waterfowlers, and each hunter will do a write up about their experience. Justin has been cataloging the travels of his first carved bird, a mallard drake, that he named Magellan on his blog .  Justin's Blog.  I've had a good time keeping track of the different adventures, you may want to check it out as well.

Darin Gardner Taxidermy-
If you've been following along, you've heard mention of Darin more than once.  Again, he did the project a huge solid, when he stepped up to the plate and accepted all the taxidermy work to make this thing happen.
I've also had the pleasure of hunting with Darin, as well as getting to know him as a friend.  Darin is an avid upland game, and big game hunter.  He loves to hunt the upland birds over his versatile dogs, as well as chasing turkeys in the spring.  He is also and avid user of traditional archery equipment, in his quest for big game.
When he's not out hunting he makes good use of his time recreating memories for hunters and fishermen at his shop in Northern Utah Darin's website.  I personally have a small sampling of Darin's work on display at my house, which I hope to make larger in the near future.

Started to help perpetuate the hobby of waterfowl "collecting", based in the tradition of similar organizations for big game, like Safari Club International, and Boone and Crocket club.  While similar membership in the various societies is based on members collecting specimens of each of the recognized species.  Broken down into 4 different "societies", Puddler, Diver, Salty, and Honker, with a Master society for those that have completed all of the other societies as well as few other birds.
I have been a member of the website and it's corresponding forums for years.  I am personally a member of the Diver society, and am only a few birds away from the others, with only 6 birds remaining to complete the Master list.

Lake Bonneville Layout Boats-
Tony Smith has been a personal friend of mine and fellow collector for several years now.  He has been a huge supporter of the project since it's inception, along with being my hunting partner.
Tony owns and operates Lake Bonneville Layout Boats.  I've personally had the pleasure of hunting from his various craft, since the very beginning.  I have taken several  species for my personal collection, as well as for the project, from one of Tony's boats.  By far the best layout's on the market Tony's boat are a must have for the serious waterfowler, looking to expand their hunting experience.


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