Thursday, December 30, 2010


Here's the list.  I've highlighted the birds we still need in red, birds that have been "promised" but have not made it yet are in blue, birds that I currently have possession are in black.  Unless otherwise noted, I need a drake and hen of all the duck species.

In order to accept the birds I need a signed transfer of ownership form.  If someone has an official form, shoot me a link and I'll post it up.  Otherwise a written note, with the current owners, name address, phone #, hunting license # (if birds are taken in multiple states, include all that are applicable), species description, date and location taken.  Along with that a small statement transferring ownership to me, as well it needs to be dated and signed.

Unfortunately, I am not able to reimburse anyone for shipping.  The liability is too high, and it "blurrs" the line, of compensation.  I will keep all "gifters" anonymous, unless otherwise specifically stated.

You'll notice that I've broken the Canada goose into sub-species. There are a couple reason's for that, not the least of which is simply because I think it's cool that they come in that many sizes. But mostly because here in Utah we see several  sub-species, and I think it would benefit the public to see that variety. 

A side note on that:
I am far from an expert on Canada Goose sub-species.  If you believe I have missed and/or misprinted any of the sub-species. Please let me know. I realize that the classifications are always in a state of "flux", so I tried my best to be accurate

Some have notice what they believe to be "deletions" from the list.  In the next day or two I'll write up a couple different things.  For now, I'll say this.  Most of the common "deletions", involve either sub-species, color morphs, or vagrants.  More on this later.

If you see a bird in RED or BLUE, that you either, have in your possession or can harvest, and would be willing to donate, please let me know.  You can post here in the comments, or you can email me, if you'd rather stay anonymous.



American Black Duck
American Widgeon
Barrow's Goldeneye
Black-bellied Whistling-Duck
Black Scoter 
Blue-winged Teal 
Cinnamon Teal   (hen only)
Common Eider 
Common Goldeneye
Common Merganser 
Fulvous Whistling-Duck 
Greater Scaup 
Green-winged Teal 
Harlequin Duck 
Hooded Merganser
King Eider
Lesser Scaup 
Long-tailed Duck
Mottled Duck 
Northern Shoveler
Northern Pintail 
Red-breasted Merganser
Ring-necked Duck 
Ruddy Duck
Surf Scoter
White-winged Scoter  (drake only)
Wood Duck 
Greater White-fronted Goose 
Snow Goose
Ross's Goose
Canada Goose

Sandhill Crane 
Tundra Swan 

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